Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Wrap-up

Robert Rector of Heritage asserts that the Senate immigration bill will allow 100 million new legal immigrants over the next 20 years.

The Los Angeles Times investigates how Congressman Ken Calvert (R-CA) profited from his earmarks.

Radley Balko observes that the recommendations of investment guru Jim Cramer derive not from a company’s performance in the marketplace but its ability to lobby Washington.

David Brooks concedes that conservatives have abandoned their Reagan-Goldwater heritage.

Cato’s Ted Carpenter calls the Bush administration myopic for snubbing the Taiwanese president during his recent trip here.

Even John McCain himself admits that campaign finance reform is unconstitutional.

Tim Lee advises the advocates of “net neutrality” to calm down.

FreedomWorks explains the debate over “net neutrality.”

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