The Wrap-up
The WSJ editorial board re-names Congressman Jerry “Minority Maker” Lewis (R-CA) the “Earmarker in Chief.”
$825,000 for a city swimming pool? Thank appropriator Jerry Lewis.
Both Heritage and Senator Coburn’s office detail the emergency supplemental that recently came out of conference. ACU has the roll call for the House and the Senate.
Deroy Murdock shows how the death tax endangers the environment.
The Washington Examiner observes that while President Bush has quietly been racking up small victories, the media continue to report on an administration on the skids.
John Tierney shows how immigrants do not eliminate jobs, but create them.
Tom Friedman explains the geopolitics of environmentalism.
Shmuel Rosner, the chief U.S. correspondent for the Israeli paper Ha’aretz, offers advice to the U.S., based on Israel’s experience with its barrier vis-à-vis the Palestinians, as we embark on building a fence across our Mexican border.
Nick Kristof extols the economic virtues of the “maligned sweatshop.”
Charles Krauthammer, who grew up in the bilingual and thus divisive Canadian province of Québec, argues that a unifying language—namely, declaring English America’s official tongue—is a prerequisite for social stability.
Cato’s Roger Pilon reviews a recent DC Circuit decision that might open the way for patients to seek potentially live-saving drugs while the F.D.A. drags its feet.
Radley Balko observes the hypocrisy of those members of Congress who instantly decried the F.B.I. raid on one of their colleague’s Capitol Hill offices.
Is the world running out of oil? Reason’s Ron Bailey surveys the evidence.
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